Thursday, October 31, 2019

What are the causes of organisational change and is organisational Essay

What are the causes of organisational change and is organisational change necessarily good - Essay Example In addition, organization has to make adjustments because of changes that are happening. It is pointed out above that technological change has prompted individuals, firms and other users to adapt it. Discussion in the next paragraphs relates to causes of organizational changes and causes of success and failure of organizational change. Thereafter, the significant of organizational changes is also reviewed. Halkos and Bousinakis (2012) acknowledge that the change of organization is necessary for them to move closer to larger markets. Change is also important for organization to meet the demands of internal and external business surroundings. Effective change can make a company more competitive and expand its market share. According to the authors, organisational change is necessity brought forward by management so as to attain the requirements of a larger social-economic environment, with the use of organizational structures, behaviours and process targeting growth and advancement of the company. Modern organization have to embrace changes as pointed earlier above, technology has prompted many organisations to change. Adaptation and employment of new technologies is significant for any organisation that has to apply new materials, products, methods and processes. Additionally, the workers of the firm have to adapt to changes and update their skills every day. Furthermore, mergers, acquisition, globalization can make the organization to change. There are other factors such as social and political factors; these factors can make organisation change its processes. Some people have doubts regarding organisational change, however, Burnes and Jackson (2011) point out that the change is important in the current world. Adaptation to changes according to the authors makes an organisation survive for a longer time. Organisational change is vital it is quite difficult to achieve. This is because some

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