Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Crime News for the Week Essay

The local paper that I decided to peruse was The New York Sun (online version). There were a total of seven articles, in relation to crime, which were dated from June 2 to June 9 of this year. The following describes each of these articles: The first article was dated June 2, 2008 and was entitled ‘Operation set to combat youth violence’. It talks about the event wherein state officials of New York City, including Governor Paterson and some police officials, discussed the rising gun violence in the state for the past weeks, concerning teenagers who were as young as thirteen years of age. They plan to implement SNUG that should start by putting additional funds for exercises and programs. The second article was dated June 3, 2008, written by Josh Gerstein, and entitled ‘Lawyer Weiss gets 30-month sentence for kickbacks’. It talks about the 30-month sentencing of New York’s plaintiffs’ bar Melvyn Weiss for his involvement in paying â€Å"secret kickbacks to investors who helped his firm file class-action securities lawsuits† (Gerstein, 2008). Judge John Walter called it a ‘breathtaking’ conspiracy. The third article was dated June 4, 2008, and was entitled ‘Group files suit to stop Paterson’s gay marriage directive’. It talks about the Alliance Defense Fund filing a lawsuit against the New York state government for not recognizing same-sex marriages that have been allowed by other states like Massachusetts. However, Governor Paterson mentioned that, for those who are interested in gay marriages, they would only have to go to places like Canada and Massachusetts to avail a legal marriage contract. The fourth article was dated June 5, 2008, written by Kate Taylor, and entitled ‘Embattled assassination exhibit may be hoax’. It talks of the art exhibition of Yazmany Arboleda at 264 West 40th Street in New York, where the following phrases were imprinted in the sign: ‘The Assassination of Hillary Clinton’ and ‘The Assassination of Barack Obama’. Arboleda was released without charges when he mentioned that they were merely part of art. The fifth article was dated June 6, 2008, written by Hope Hodge, and entitled ‘Report: school custodial workers stole $60,000’. This article relates to the stealing done by former custodial workers of the Department of Education from Grover Cleveland High School situated in Queens. This was in the form of forged checks and unauthorized wage increases through an increase of pay rate without legal authorization. The sixth article was also dated June 6, 2008, also written by Hope Hodge, and entitled ‘Report: majority of sellers in city are overcharging for milk’. The article tells us that â€Å"[m]ore than 85% of milk sellers in the city are charging illegally high prices† (Hodge, 2008). The overcharge was an average of $0. 40 and, thus, needed an enforcement of the law. Lastly, the seventh article was dated on June 9, 2008, written by Anna Phillips, and entitled ‘Police department changes sought in wake of Sean Bell shooting’. It talks of the need to implement changes in the police department after the Sean Bell shooting event in 2006. Officials say that laws in the criminal justice system should be enforced all the more, and that there should be implementation of tests (i. e. , drug) on those who shoot their guns. To sum it all up, the seven articles that were retrieved this past week from The New York Sun talked of the following crimes: (1) youth and gun violence; (2) illegal kickbacks to investors; (3) legal adaptation of same-sex marriages; (4) character assassinations; (5) stealing; (6) illegal product price overcharging; and (7) wild shooting episodes. Conversely, these crimes can be grouped into the following major sets: (1) crimes against public safety; (2) crimes against effective business environments; (3) crimes against the practice of liberty and human rights; and (4) crimes against legal properties. It appears that the types of crime nowadays consist of those that are in connection to safety and welfare, human rights, and the economy. Despite what people say that the world is becoming more liberated and open-minded, the opposite appears to be the true trend. References Gerstein, J. (2008, June 3). Lawyer Weiss gets 30-month sentence for kickbacks. Retrieved June 9, 2008, from The New York Sun database: http://www. nysun. com/business/judge-sentences-mel-weiss-to-30-months/79104/. Group files suit to stop Paterson’s gay marriage directive. (2008, June 4). Retrieved June 9, 2008, from The New York Sun database: http://www. nysun. com/new-york/group-files-suit-to-stop-patersons-gay-marriage/79210/. Hodge, H. (2008, June 6). Report: majority of sellers in city are overcharging for milk. Retrieved June 9, 2008, from The New York Sun database: http://www. nysun. com/new-york/report-majority-of-sellers-in-city-are/79468/. Hodge, H. (2008, June 6). Report: school custodial workers stole $60,000. Retrieved June 9, 2008, from The New York Sun database: http://www. nysun. com/new-york/report-school-custodial-workers-stole-60000/79458/. Operation set to combat youth violence. (2008, June 2). Retrieved June 9, 2008, from The New York Sun database: http://www. nysun. com/new-york/operation-set-to-combat-youth-violence/79062/. Phillips, A. (2008, June 9). Police department changes sought in wake of Sean Bell shooting. Retrieved June 9, 2008, from The New York Sun database: http://www. nysun. com/new-york/police-department-changes-sought-in-wake-of-sean/79525/. Taylor, K. (2008, June 5). Embattled assassination exhibit may be hoax. Retrieved June 9, 2008, from The New York Sun database: http://www. nysun. com/new-york/embattled-exhibition-may-be-hoax/79370/.

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