Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Cyber Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cyber Security - Assignment Example This aspect that a person from one end of the world can access information from far makes cyberspace a threat to the nation, organization or individual. The fact is that cyber attackers can launch cyber-attacks in a place far from the organization they are attacking (Schiller, 2010). It is true that cyber security is a challenge need to be addressed by the government. In addition, cyber-attacks have increased in the last few years prompting the government and policymakers to look for ways of mitigating the problem. Cyber-attacks require a government intervention because it is not possible for a small organization to tackle such problem. The U.S. is one among many advanced economies that have had their corporations cyber-attacked by culprits operating in other countries (Bajaj, 2012). Some cyber-attacks is said to have been instigated by some countries. This follows a cyber-security breach that was witnessed recently by Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. The United States government alleged that North Korea was behind the attack. Based on such case and many others that have occurred previously, it is true that the governments need to help in tackling cyber-attacks (Paletta & Nissenbaum, 2015). In conclusion, Cyber Security is a twenty-first-century problem that is increasing and, as a result, many companies are losing their assets. Cyber-attacks are also seen as a weapon used by states against other countries. As such, a state is required to help in tackling cyber security problem because they have all the resources. Paletta D. & Nissenbaum D. (2015). Debate Deepens Over Response to Cyberattacks. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from

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